enhance eCommerce CMS guide

Welcome to the guide page for the enhance E-commerce CMS ( Content Management System ). The CMS which allows you to manually manage the updating / editing / deleting / inserting – support text , images, web pages and files for selected areas of the site.


Front: http://store.enhancewebdesign.ie/

Admin: http://store.enhancewebdesign.ie/login/index

To access admin area:

Username: xxxxxxxxxxx
Password: xxxxxxxxxxx

Please contact us for the username and password

Our e-Commerce CMS comes with the following specifications:

  • Our E-Commerce solution allows you to easily manage the adding / editing / deleting / of products on the online store. The solution also allows you to add support text, images, web pages and files for selected areas of the site. This demo will show you how easy it is to manage your products. You will have all the tools you need to use this demo including a video tutorial, sample images and a PDF.
  • The E-Commerce solution is built on a open source PHP/Linux platform. Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Digg as well as many high profile web sites use this solution.
  • The solution is very robust and has a high level of security. The structure of the site will allow for expansion of additional modules in the future if required.

This is a Cloud based Solution which will allow selected personnel access to edit the content on an ongoing basis remotely from any pc.

Tutorial Downloads

Images to use as samples

Product_image_1.jpg                 Product_image_2.jpg

Instructions on the e-commerce solution administration area. It will detail to you how easy it is to navigate, add and update your products. For further information please download our PDF

Enhance_E-Commerce Demo_Guide.pdf